Child Guidance   (6)
Overcome Every Indolent Habit—In His Word God has marked out a plan for the education of children, and this plan parents are to follow. They are to teach their children to overcome every indolent habit. Each child should be taught that he has a work to do in the world. (CG 124.1) MC VC
Laziness and indolence are not the fruit borne upon the Christian tree. (CG 124.2) MC VC
Indolence is a great curse. God has blessed human beings with nerves, organs, and muscles; and they are not to be allowed to deteriorate because of inaction, but are to be strengthened and kept in health by exercise. To have nothing to do is a great misfortune, for idleness ever has been and ever will be a curse to the human family. (CG 124.3) MC VC
Children, never prove unfaithful stewards in the home. Never shirk your duty. Good hard work makes firm sinews and muscles. In promoting the prosperity of the home, you will bring the richest blessing to yourselves. (CG 124.4) MC VC
Why Work Before Play?—My mother taught me to work. I used to ask my mother, “Why must I always do so much work before I play?” “It is to educate and train your mind for useful labor, and another thing, to keep you out of mischief; and when you get older, you will thank me for it.” When one of my little girls [a granddaughter] said to me, “Why must I knit? Grandmothers knit,” I replied, “Will you tell me how grandmothers learned to knit?” “Why, they began when they were little girls.” (CG 124.5) MC VC
Value of a Daily Program—As far as possible, it is well to consider what is to be accomplished through the day. Make a memorandum of the different duties that await your attention, and set apart a certain time for the doing of each duty. Let everything be done with thoroughness, neatness, and dispatch. If it falls to your lot to do the chamber work, then see that the rooms are well aired, and that the bed clothing is exposed to the sunlight. Give yourself a number of minutes to do the work, and do not stop to read papers and books that take your eye, but say to yourself, “No, I have just so many minutes in which to do my work, and I must accomplish my task in the given time.” ... (CG 124.6) MC VC